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A Fun & Creative Way to
Tackle Your 2016 Goals

With 2016 just around the corner (!!!), it's about that time to start thinking about the many things we want for ourselves and our family in the upcoming year.  Yup, that's right, New Year Resolutions.
I'm proposing a challenge to you, in the form of a fun experiential: ditch the word 'resolutions', because it'll only pressure you into failure and self-sabotage anyway.  
Instead, create a realistic list of short- and long-term goals that you'd like to complete between January 1 and December 31, 2016.
Your list may include anything you'd like, but the key is to keeping your goals SMART.
Specific: concrete, tangible steps

Measurable: how will you know if you have completed these goals?

Achievable: choose goals that you know you are capable of doing

Realistic: things you can do given all other circumstances in your life

Time-limited: achievable within a reasonable timeline (between January 1 and December 31, 2016.  But you can also create shorter timelines within the year, such as 'before my next birthday' or 'within 3 months').

Here's where this gets funky and creative, and you can enlist your family's help if your heart moves you to.

Step 1: compile your SMART list of goals for the year

Step 2: create a poster, collage, print out, or word bubble with you goals using phrases, images, magazine cut-outs, and decorative such as markers, colored pencils, paints, or a word processing program.

Step 3: post your goals somewhere they can be seen as a daily reminder.  Share with others as a way of keeping accountability, and pat yourself on the back every time one comes to fruition.

Happy Holiday Season, everyone!

Don't forget to share your images and experiences with the rest of the community on the Facebook page!  We would love to be a support and help you maintain accountability throughout the year.